Andy Cooperman makes all sorts of things from all sorts of things and is known for applying the rigor and discipline of Craft to a wide variety of often disparate materials. He has been a jeweler and metalsmith for over thirty years, and a writer and educator for close to that.
Andy’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and can be found in public and private collections as well as books and publications that include Art Jewelry Today (I, II & III), The Penland Book of Jewelry, Humor in Craft and many more.
Recent exhibitions include Refined IX at Stephen F. Austin State University, Protective Ornament: Contemporary Amulets to Armor at the National Ornamental Metals Museum in Memphis, a solo exhibition at the Appalachian Center for Craft and most recently The Rabbit Hole, a large body of work created for the Bellevue Arts Museum Biennial Exhibition.
Andy teaches and lectures nationally and has spoken at the Society of North American Goldsmiths conference, the annual CoMA (Colorado Metalsmithing Association) conference and as keynote speaker for the International Society of Glass Bead Makers. Check him out at